
Headshot of Melissa Chapman over an orange background

Alumni Spotlight: Melissa Chapman

by Leading Edge

Meet Melissa Chapman, CEO of JCC East Bay. She is an alum of the CEO Onboarding program, the predecessor to Leading Executives, a training program by Leading Edge for senior-most organizational leaders. Participants learn dynamic leadership practices, receive personalized feedback to accelerate their growth, and connect with a peer cohort for ongoing support after the program ends. Melissa discusses the importance of strength, resiliency, and authenticity, as well as the power of coaching and maintaining a strong network of trusted colleagues. 

Alumni Spotlight conversations may be edited and condensed.

What do you think are the most critical leadership qualities needed to navigate the unique challenges and opportunities within Jewish nonprofit organizations right now?

Strength, resiliency, and authenticity. It is also imperative to have a strong network of trusted colleagues to help stave off deep isolation and loneliness. My CEO onboarding cohort still stays in touch, be it through celebrating each other's wins or meeting to work through a challenge. 

How do you see the future of Jewish nonprofit leadership evolving? How has your Leading Edge program experience influenced your perspective on this?

I am incredibly concerned about what the Jewish communal landscape will look like post-October 7th. Leaders were already exhausted after Covid, and are now facing unprecedented challenges in redefining what Jewish community looks like and our role within it. I believe if there is ONE organization best positioned to help us discover the future of Jewish Communal Leadership, it is Leading Edge!

Quote by Melissa Chapman, "Leadership can be lonely and isolating. It is imperative to have a strong network of trusted colleagues to help stave off deep isolation and loneliness."

How has something you learned in the Leading Edge program helped make a real difference at your organization? Share an example.

The power of coaching. I was always a bit averse to the idea of a coach until I was offered one through my CEO Onboarding program. Dena (Schoenfeld) was incredible at guiding me through the process of choosing the right fit, and was SPOT ON in helping me find the perfect fit. The experience was powerful and transformational. My board and staff all noticed the shift in my behaviors and approaches. I have continued to work with my coach, even 2 years after the program completion!

What’s one piece of advice you would offer to someone who is considering joining a Leading Edge leadership program?

DO IT! There are so many quantitative AND qualitative reasons. Leadership can be lonely and isolating. With the support of Leading Edge, it doesn't have to be!

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