

Cultivating the Next Generation of Leaders for Jewish Nonprofits

by Leading Edge
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An unprecedented collaboration between 24 foundations and federations engaged the Bridgespan Group to explore how to build a robust talent pipeline for Jewish nonprofits and ensure a vibrant future for our community. The result is this report — the founding document of what would become Leading Edge.

Two key findings:
  • The field of Jewish nonprofits is not sufficiently developing and advancing the leaders it already has.
  • Many Jewish organizations don’t have the value proposition to attract and retain the leaders they need.

After many years of conversations among funders about the need to invest more in Jewish professional leadership, an unprecedented collaboration between 24 foundations and federations joined together in 2013 to brainstorm how to build a robust talent pipeline for Jewish nonprofits and ensure a vibrant future for our community. This coalition, originally known as the Jewish Leadership Pipelines Alliance, recognized the urgency of the situation: a large majority of Jewish nonprofit organizations – 75 to 90 percent – would need to hire new senior leaders in the next few years, but were struggling to find the talent they needed to fill their senior ranks.

The Alliance engaged the Bridgespan Group to explore the underlying issue and develop a plan to move from talk to action. In 2014, the Alliance released this report, which outlined specific strategies needed for strengthening the pool of potential leaders for senior positions in the field.

About the Author
  • Leading Edge

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